It's laundry day today and more dehydrating. I got chickens a few days ago, 7 of the biggest, fattest hens I have ever had. They are gorgeous! Now to get them happy enough to lay. I also have a tiny little chick who goes in with them every night. She was one of a set of 5 that B caught in the neighborhood. She got out of the cage we were keeping her in and ran off, but came back to roost with the big girls when we brought them home. They have accepted her, so I guess I have 8 chickens.
We had a really strong storm blow through the other night which tore up the dog kennel and the chicken fence, but M and B got out there and pulled all the panels straight and got new A-frame covers put on, so now no more problems, I hope.
My garden is growing slowly, but it is growing. I hope all the rain we got didn't damage my tomato plants. I want a good harvest this year.
My daughter H and granddaughter T came out yesterday along with I. She helped me get all the dehydrated stuff into vacuum sealed bags and put up. I had over 20 quart jars! Today I am washing them all so they will be ready for this year's stuff.
M is taking my MIL to the eye doctor today to get new glasses because she can't see well out of the old ones. She has been living with us since Mother's Day. M and B went up to NC and moved her down here. She really can't live alone since my FIL went to Heaven in February. She has a lot of health problems and needs someone to help her, so naturally we invited her to come live here. M is glad to have his mom here, and she is settling in really well.
Gotta get back to work now. Those jars won't wash themselves.