Looking around the town I live in makes me think we are living in some sort of dystopian alternate universe. Stores closed, low traffic, empty shelves in the stores. All because of Covid-19. How the world has changed in just a few months. Our lives haven't changed a lot because of the life we live, but we do have needs, like feed for our pets and livestock (finally got the cows!), and bits of food here and there for ourselves. People have gone totally nuts, it seems, running stores out of toilet paper, eggs, milk, and other things. On the rare trip to the store there are lines to get in and one door to get out, some stores having lines to get to the meat or severe limits on purchases. It's insane. I get that the virus is deadly when it gets to the right person, and I understand that eventually we all will get it. What I don't understand is what makes this disease any worse than the flu, which kills thousands every singe year and why all of a sudden we have to practice social distancing and wear gloves and masks if we go out and why everything is all of a sudden unnecessary, like parks, or zoos, or craft stores. Don't people deserve to have the materials to use as they are sitting stuck in their houses? Personally, I am tired of television and all the reminders to be a good little compliant sheep. Pardon me while I vent. No one wants to be treated like an idiot, and all the cutsie commercials telling us to stay home and wash our hands are getting on my last nerve. BAAAA! I hear from family and FB friends alike. Flatten the curve, my tail. I have hand sanitizer, I have masks, I am not a child. I am a rancher and a farmer and a mother who knows how to wash my hands without being told to sing "Happy Birthday" twice or some other thing. Every time we think that the government "requested" self quarantine will be lifted, someone comes up with why it should be extended. Just wait, next thing we know the elections will be "postponed". Not that I care if Pres.Trump stays in office, because I am voting for him anyway, but still. It seems more and more of our "rights" are becoming less and less. Maybe I've been stuck at home for too long. Who knows?
Here are my girls. Iris (the adult), Rose (hiding behind the hay bale), Arya (lying down) and our Holstein, Minnie.