Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Still here

  So, I got the RV and turned it into a studio just in time for DH to get a huge freeze dryer and use up half the RV for it and all the stuff that comes out of it, plus a giant grow tent for garden veggies. 

 In other news, our eldest son has moved out here because M can't do all the work that the ranch requires anymore and he needed help. We had a building built for I, our son, to live in along with his dog, cat, and bearded dragon. 

M's dog Mia passed away a couple of weeks ago and was cremated and is now home in her urn next to my two pups' urns. 

M's health is going downhill. He is now suffering with severe dizziness, falling, and numerous doctor's visits still have no diagnosis. Next is a trip to a neurologist. 

That's about it for now. I feel like all I've done in this entry is complain. Keep it spooky, friends.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Bored out of my wits

 So, the baby chickens have started laying. We get around 18 eggs a day on average. I am up to my ears in eggs. 

M and B built a huge pen for the babies and they are all getting so big! I had to rehome 6 roosters last week because we had too many out of the hatch. We still have 4, plus Napoleon and Lancelot who are with their own hens in the other coops. We also got a stray hen from B that we have named Frances. She's tame and we are looking to catch her sister to put in the pen with her so she isn't alone. 

The past two days we have finally gotten some rain and though it isn't enough to break the drought, it was welcome. We should get more in a few days, I hope.

Still no studio. I have a guy that rebuilds RVs looking to get me one and get that fixed up. It's cheaper than having something built and gives me more room.

Life here is quite boring to me. I need something creative to do or I feel like I will go mad. I have no room to paint right now and it is driving me nuts. I tried to work in the office/laundry room but that doesn't work well. There's no space in this little mobile home and I hate it here.